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July 10, 2024

The Journey from Cane to Granule: An In-depth Exploration

The Journey from Cane to Granule: An In-depth Exploration

Imagine a tall, slender plant with a sweet core, nurtured by the sun and the rich Kenyan soil. Now envision this plant transforming into the fine, sweet granules that enhance the taste of your morning coffee or afternoon tea. This magical transformation, from cane to granule, is the fascinating journey we'll explore today.

Stage 1: Cultivation and Harvesting

Our journey starts in the vast fields of Kenya, where the fertile soil and the perfect balance of sunshine and rainfall create an ideal environment for sugarcane growth. These fields are the heart of Angata Sugar Mills, where we cultivate our sugarcane sustainably.

Planting the sugarcane involves placing sections of mature cane into the ground. These sections, called setts, have nodes or 'eyes' that grow into a new plant. After planting, the sugarcane plants take about 12 to 18 months to mature.

Harvesting is done manually or mechanically, depending on the scale and the location of the plantation. At Angata, we use a combination of these methods, ensuring we have the freshest cane for our mill.

Stage 2: Transportation and Milling

Once harvested, the sugarcane is transported to our mill. This is a time-sensitive process as the sugarcane begins to lose its sugar content soon after being cut.

In the mill, the cane is crushed between heavy rollers to extract the sugarcane juice. This juice contains about 10-15% sucrose, the natural sugar we aim to extract.

Stage 3: Clarification and Evaporation

The extracted juice then goes through a process called clarification. This process involves heating the juice and adding lime to remove impurities. The resulting clear juice is then evaporated to reduce its water content, leading to a thick juice, or syrup.

Stage 4: Crystallization

This syrup is further heated in vacuum pans to form sugar crystals. The crystals are then spun in a centrifuge to separate them from the remaining syrup. The crystals are washed and then dried to give the sugar we are all familiar with.

Stage 5: Packaging and Delivery

Finally, the sugar is packaged and ready to be delivered to your doorstep. At Angata, we pay close attention to our packaging, ensuring the sugar reaches you in perfect condition.

This journey from cane to granule is a testament to the marvels of nature and human ingenuity. It's a journey that Angata Sugar Mills is proud to undertake every day, delivering the sweetness of Kenyan-grown sugar to your table.

We hope you've enjoyed this fascinating journey. Remember, every time you taste the sweetness of Angata sugar, you're tasting the result of a remarkable process, nurtured by nature and refined by the dedicated efforts of our team.

Ethically Sweetened,
Richly Kenyan.